Do you need support?

Connection and support is here for you. Our nationally available live online support groups are safe spaces for you to connect, heal and grow. You don’t have to do this alone.

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“How to Prepare for Joining a Support Group”

Support Groups

Participating in a Support Group or focused Workshop can be a powerful experience and practical way to work more deeply on a specific challenge. Our Support Groups and Workshops are safe and non-judgmental virtual spaces to explore your feelings and/or learn useful tools. Support Groups require a weekly commitment in order to enrich the experience for your own self-development as well as enhance the connection you create and receive from group members.


Codependency Resiliency
Support Group


Young Adult Support Group


Support Group For BIPOC Moms

womens group

Grief Support Group


High School Support Group: Managing Stress & Finding Balance

healing circle

Healing Circle


Adult Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Codependency Resiliency Support Group

Do you struggle with people-pleasing tendencies, setting and maintaining boundaries, or putting others needs and wants before your own? Are you noticing “fixing” and care-giving patterns in your relationships, work, and daily life? Do you find yourself feeling guilty when taking care of yourself?

If so, this group may be for you! In this 10 week support group, learn the tools and skills to manage codependency within your interpersonal relationships, job, your children, partner, family, friends, etc.

Though the pain of codependency may often cause resentment and shame, there are many strengths you have. Learn to integrate your compassion and caring nature, with ways to move forward and grow.

Resources, tools, handouts will be provided as well as a healing and safe space to provide one another with emotional support while navigating this journey.

  • Date/Time: Wednesday’s 4:00pm-5:15pm ET accepting new group members starting January 3rd.
  • Location: Meets Online
  • Fee: $75 per group

Alyssa Kushner, LCSW will be leading the Codependency Resiliency Support Group.

 If you would like to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with the group leader to make sure the group is a great fit for you, please email!

Codependency resiliency support group integrates your compassion and caring nature with ways to move forward and grow.
support group

Support Group For BIPOC Moms

They say it takes a village to raise a child, but who’s supporting the mother? And what if you don’t have a village, your village is too busy, or lives far away? Or perhaps you need a bigger village.

As BIPOC moms, we live with societal, cultural, and/or familial expectations that may feel like another weight on our shoulders along with our children and family’s needs. This moms support group can serve to be a holding space for those who need their voices to be heard while also celebrating both big and small victories.
Whether you are a new mom struggling with motherhood or have been in this role for several years now, this group can be a safe space for you to explore the ups and downs of motherhood. Even when you’re surrounded by your little ones day in and day out, it can feel lonely and isolating. Come together with other moms and share collectively in hopes of finding connection, inspiration, and healing through each other’s stories. 
This group will also address stress management skills, parenting styles and strategies, as well as ways to practice self-care and build realistic resiliency skills.

  • For: BIPOC Mothers (Black, Indigenous and People Of Color)  of newborns to school age children up to 10 years old
  • Date/Time: TBD, starting this late summer/early fall
  • Location: Meets online
  • Fee: $65 per session, for 10 weeks


Maria Del Rosario, LMHC will be leading the Support Group for BIPOC Moms

If you would like to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with the group leader to make sure the group is a great fit for you, please email!

Young Adult Support Group

Have you recently entered your “adulting” era? Figuring out college, starting your career, and/or experiencing changes in your friendships, family and/or relationships?  We get it! Navigating the transition into adulthood can seem difficult when you’re exploring your sense of self and managing new responsibilities. This group is a safe space for young adults to explore and share their experiences with transitioning into adulthood. Here, your experience is validated while we explore developing your sense of self, social emotional learning, navigating challenges of entering careers, graduating college, developing healthy relationships & boundaries, learning coping skills for managing anxiety and stress, building resilience, and practicing self-care. Adulting is hard and you shouldn’t have to figure it out alone! Join us!

  • For young adults ages 18-25 years old
  • Date/Time: Thursdays from 7:00PM- 8:15pm ET
  • Location: meets online
  • Fee: $60 per session/ $600 in total for the 10-week commitment

Nicole Reynoso, MSEd, LMHC, will be leading the “Young Adult Support Group.”

 If you would like to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with the group leader to make sure the group is a great fit for you, please email!

wise women

Grief Support Group

Are you struggling with grief that society and others, such as family or friends, may not fully acknowledge or understand? Grief is the profound and natural sorrow we feel when we experience loss of any kind. When you are grieving a loss it is common to feel dazed or confused, sad and isolated, stigmatized, overwhelmed, exhausted, and possibly ashamed. Not knowing how or where to garner appropriate support can prolong the emotional pain and suffering.

While recognizing loss through death of a loved one is most notable when we think of grief, there are many experiences of loss that can hit just as hard such as loss of a beloved pet, upheaval of losing one’s home or job, ongoing battles with infertility or adoption, mourning the end of a close friendship, and pain associated with the loss of a “taboo” or illegitimate relationship partner. You may also be struggling with the profound emotional impact of world events such as war, mass shootings, and other collective traumas.

Our Grief Support Group offers a safe and supportive space to connect with others who understand the uniqueness and intricacies of grief. We’ll navigate the journey through personal stories, discuss coping skills, experiential practices and talk about turning the pain of grief into renewed purpose.

If this resonates with you, know your grief matters and has value.  Details below, reach out and join this group for support and to begin the process of healing.

  • Date/time: Wednesdays, 7:15pm-8:45pm  EST, capped at 8 participants
  • Location: Meets Online (Virtual)
  • Fee: $60 per session/$480 total for 8 consecutive sessions

Veronica Vaiti, LCSW-R, CCATP will be leading the Grief Support Group.

 If you would like to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with the group leader to make sure the group is a great fit for you, please email!


Adult Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse

This is an in-person process support group for men who have experienced childhood sexual abuse. As a survivor, you may be navigating feelings of shame, fear, anger, confusion, and isolation, among others. If so, you’re not alone. With the support of others who have had similar experiences, participants will have a space to safely work toward finding vulnerability and healing in the aftermath of trauma.

This group is only available to those who are also participating in individual treatment with a licensed therapist to process their experiences.

Doriel Jacov, JD, LMSW will be leading the Adult Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Support Group. If you are interested, please see details below:

When: Wednesdays from 6:45-8:00 pm EST
Location: In person, 280 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 (suite and doorcode to be provided upon starting)
Fee: $60 per group session, for 10 consecutive weeks. Total of $600 commitment required.

If you would like to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with the group leader to make sure the group is a great fit for you, please email!

Healing Circle

If you have the idea that life is hard, that’s the right reaction! Us humans are in our own version of the wild where various forces can result in “the slings and arrows” we all know so well. The good news is there is transformative power to be experienced in the camaraderie and wisdom that an interpersonally themed support group can offer. Together we can navigate the difficulties life can throw at us and celebrate the beautiful moments that growth through these can bring. The group will incorporate psychoeducational and specific topics and skills as per the needs and interests of the group. Welcome to the healing circle!

  • Date/time: Monday or Wednesdays 6:30-7:45pm ET

  • Location: Meets Online (Virtual)

  • Fee: $60 per session/$600 total for 10 sessions

  • Group will be extending and accepting new members early Fall

Pam LePore, LMSW, will be leading the Healing Circle.

If you would like to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with the group leader to make sure the group is a great fit for you, please email!


High School Support Group: Managing Stress & Finding Balance

High school is a time full of change, challenge, and all the stress that can come along with it. Balancing social relationships, school requirements, extracurricular activities, and caring for your own wellbeing can be incredibly difficult. It can be easy to look around and compare yourself to others who seem to have it figured out. It may feel like you are the only one who is struggling through it all – but you’re not!

This group brings together high school students of any year to learn from and support one another in navigating four years full of transition, struggle, and growth. This group will be a blend of social support and skills learning, providing you the space to feel heard in community with others and equipping you with the tools needed to cope with stress and find balance.

You can expect to connect with others who may be experiencing similar things, explore your identity and values, learn skills to navigate stress as it naturally arises, and share your experiences in a nonjudgmental space.

  • For: High schoolers any grade
  • Date/Time: TBD, either Tuesday or Sundays from 6:00pm-7:15pm EST depending on need
  • Length: 10 weeks, with possibility of extension
  • Location: Meets online via zoom
  • Fee: $60 per session, $600 for 10 week commitment

Lizzie Toepler, LMSW will be leading the High School Support Group: Managing Stress & Finding Balance

If you would like to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with the group leader to make sure the group is a great fit for you, please email!

What Our Clients Are Saying

I was very hesitant to join a group but I also knew I needed the support, so I took the dive and I’m so glad I did! This group was such a special group of people and we formed really close bonds and I learned so much!

– AL –

What Our Clients Are Saying

My parents encouraged me to join the group even though I wasn’t sure I wanted to. I was so lonely beforehand and now I have this safe space where I can be open and honest and truthful about all I feel, it’s been really important for me.

– TK –

What Our Clients Are Saying

As a new mom, I was riddled with insecurity, fear, self-doubt and just exhausted. I didn’t think I could find the time to do this group, but I am so incredibly grateful I did. I instantly felt seen, validated and nourished and developed invaluable relationships that I will always cherish.

– CL –

What Our Clients Are Saying

Groups can be intimidating but I didn’t experience any of that. From the very beginning I felt put at ease and to show up honestly and that my messy self was welcome and valued. Thank you!

– DK –

Support Group Inquiries


Call 646-389-5801
and choose Option 4 or Email


Alyssa Kushner, LCSW
Pam LePore, LMSW
Nicole Reynoso, MSEd, MHC-LP
Veronica Vaiti, LCSW-R, CCATP
Liz Lazarus, LMSW
Lizzie Toepler, LMSW
Emily Shapiro, MS, LMFT
Maria Del Rosario, LMHC
Doriel Jacov, JD, LMSW



How does an online support group work?
All participants who register for a particular online support group will receive a password protected Zoom link to join the support group from the comfort of their own home at the designated day and time. We ask all participants to keep their videos on during the duration of the group, which can be anywhere from 60-75 minutes, to enhance their sense of connection and build their relationship with other group members and the group leader.

Who do I contact to learn more about the Support Groups?
Send an email to Alyssa at or call her direct line 513-453-6016.

What if I want to sign up but can’t commit to attending all of the sessions?
In order to build connections with support group participants, and therefore enhance your experience in the support group, we ask that you do your best to attend every group session. If you have more specific questions, please connect with Alyssa at the contact info above.

Can I use my health insurance coverage for the support group fee?
Health insurance is not accepted for support groups. While our support groups are led by licensed mental health clinicians, our support groups are led in a coaching format. This allows our support groups to be virtual and accessible to individuals across the country.

Do I have to be in therapy to join a support group?
No, you do not have to be in therapy to join a support group! Support groups are a safe space to explore your emotions and our groups are oftentimes geared towards a specific age group or topic that you have in common. If you have additional mental health support outside of the group that is great, though it is not a requirement to join a group.

Are payment plans available?
Yes, payment plans are available and can be discussed when you sign up for the group. Depending on each group, 1 or 2 sliding scale spots are also available if the full cost of the group is inaccessible.

joining a support group

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“How to prepare for Joining a Support Group”

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